Monday, February 11, 2013

March 2013 Ban List

It has been sometime since that I have written anything. Namely since the summer. I have still been maintaining uploading videos on my Youtube Channel . I will also be making a video about this short as well; since everyone else is putting in their two cents. Although, obviously, I am not a "pro" player I have been in this game since the beginning. I have been playing since Dark Duel Stories, I have seen no Forbidden/Limited list, to emergency limited Stratos, to completely killing off decks.

I think that Konami has realized much from these past few ban lists. I will have to say that they have inspired a lot of creativity with some of their choices but also not fixed many issues ie taking Wind-up hand loop and turning it into the Wind-up monster swarm. Many people think there have been a lot of issues with this format but I would beg to differ. I have not seen so much diversity in quite sometime. You used to see regional and YCS events where at least half of the top was one specific deck. Now you see it very spread out. Although Wind-up decks remain prevalent to leaning towards still being the most dominant; this is where this ban list is going to focus.

I will now break down into several sections of change and explain why I think these cards will change.

Becoming banned:
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning - Konami is wanting to reward good players for thinking ahead and making the best plays that their decks can do. BLS is a 1 of card that punishes the players for being conservative and making smart plays. You opponent rips this off the top and process to smart your two monsters for game. I cannot tell you how often I hear about this story and I shake my head every time because it is one of those moments that are just so often but also make you angry at the same time. It is time for this soldier to be retired.

Monster Reborn - Again this is a card that is a game changer. I don't like cards that can be ripped off the top and make the game turn into a 180 in favor of the other player. With this card I have argued being balanced, the more I think about the more often I think that it is a card that has no restrictions and I don't like cards like that.

Gateway of the Six Samurai - How do I explain open of this card you can make the WORST player become unbeatable. Opening Gateway can end games in an instant. I witnessed it this past weekend and I think if you want to make the deck playable but not stupid broken then this card needs to go.

People want cards like Wind-Up Magician banned but I think killing a deck does not serve the purpose of Forbidden and Limited Lists.

Off the Ban:
I think confiscation should be able to come off the list. Reason being: it is a 1 for 1 card plus you have to pay 1000 Life points to do this. People will argue that knowledge of your opponents hand is power but if you can do anything with that knowledge then it is worthless. We have 2 Solemn Warning and Solemn Judgment, life points are something that we do not have a lot of to spare. Unfortunately, this is one of those splashable cards and every deck can benefit from having this card in the deck.

Many people think that: sinister serpent, pot of greed, and magician of faith should come off the ban list. Maybe not all at the same time but off at some point. With the abundance of the water deck and how powerful it already is Sinister Serpent should not leave the ban list ever. Have a constant card that can be discarded for Abyssmegalo, Abysstues, and Abyssleed will not do the future format any favors. Pot of greed again is a splashable card that any person can play and all it will do is help that person there are absolutely no draw backs at all to this card which is why it deserve to stay on the list. Magician of Faith, I honestly can see it coming off because there really isn't any deck that can really benefit from having it in the deck expect for spellbook decks which could provide the deck the push it needs to get over the hump but it has a few of those that are coming in the upcoming sets.

Rumor of Dark Magician of Chaos is going to come back, all I can say is OTK decks will love this. I personally will be playing some sort of OTK based deck that will take advantage of it. If this card comes back Monster reborn HAS to go.

The new 1 ofs:
Deep Seas Diva - I think this card causes a lot of issues and it also can get you 3 waters in the graveyard with no thought at all. Although effect veiler and maxx "c" takes card of this issue, I still think that limiting it will hurt the water deck to make it a bit more difficult to get waters in the grave so quickly for Moulinglacia.

Wind-Up Magician - With the limiting of this card you stop the Magician-Shark OTK. Now you can still get at most Papi, Carrier, and any of rank 3 you want but that doesn't do a whole lot now a days. Most people think that Shark is the issue but its the fact that magician can special so many times.

Rekindling - With fire fists, lavals, and fire archtype in general getting so much support this card needs to get hit because it is also a no brainer card that can turn a game around with no backlash what so ever.

Rescue Rabbit - People think that it should hit the ban list because making this card Semi-Limited did nothing to the deck. Like I said previously hitting the cards that you went into would solve the issue much more effectively but that is beyond the point now. Making this card Limited will force people to play Gold Sacro which makes players wait two turns and by then the game could be too far lost.

Hitting that Semi Section
Genex Undine - I thought about limiting this card but I think it is better suited at two mainly because it still gives you the utility needed for Water decks to be competitive and also makes you draw the card that much less.

Atlantian Dragoons - This card is not only an 1800 beat stick it is also a part of the combo of the Water deck that makes it so devastating. I thought about making it Limited but I think just like E Emergency Call and Shien's Smoke Signal this cards finds it rightful place at 2.

Off the Charts:
I have been wanting to say Reborn Tengu but with Fire Fists being able to take advantage of this card I think it best stick to two it makes its effect not that effective just like Destiny Hero - Malicious (which I wish would go to three). I cannot think of a single card that should go to three at this point. All the cards that are Semi or Limited already should stay that way unless specified above. I know that I have not touched Fire Fists, Verz, or Constellars but they have either not proven themselves in both markets to make a big issue.

Feel free to comment whether you think I forgot something, I didn't touch enough, if I am an idiot, or anything you would like to question. I will respond to everything and will look forward to it!

Thanks for reading! Expect to see more whether it be about the Forbidden/Limited List, profiting, tournaments, or whatever else!

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