Friday, February 22, 2013

Official March 2013 Yugioh Ban List


  • Sangan
  • Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity 


  • Wind-up Magician
  • One Day of Peace
  • Solemn Warning

Semi Limited:

  • Thunder King Rai-oh
  • Tsukuyomi
  • Advanced Ritual Art


  • Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
  • Lumnia, Lightsworn Summoner
  • Spore
  • Shien's Smoke Signal
  • Mind Crush

I will start with the top and make my way down.

Sangan - I personally think sangan is a really slow card especially for this format. Coupled with Tour Guide, it made it a bit better but in this run and gun OTK as soon as possible format sangan was just a dead draw waiting to happen. I understand why Konami did ban it, many people saw it a problem due to it being able to set up OTK and future plays but I still think it wasn't that big of an issue; especially now with 3 Mind Crush.

Wind-up Carrier Zenmaity - Well they thought this would kill Wind-ups but it hasn't. If you haven't seen yet there is another otk with wind-ups and it doesnt require call of the haunted or monster reborn. Banning this did put a dent in the usability though. Congrats on being the first banned XYZ! You deserved it!

Wind-up Magician - I am so happy that they listened to what people were saying. Most people think Wind-Up shark is an issue but Magician was the real issue because it just gets more wind-ups to play with. Wind-up Magician was the sole factor that made Wind-ups broken. Although I can see them semi-limiting shark in the near future.

One Day of Peace - This should have been limited in September. This card does not need to be at any higher than 1. Although it is a -1 for you in the long run but the stall factory for any deck is just dumb and not healthy for the game.

Solemn Warning - I am not sure why they limited this card. It doesnt make any sense, it wasn't broken or overpowered in anyway. Its a 1 for 1 and you pay a quarter of your life points. Now what they have done is created a game state of whoever gets their warning off the quickest the potential winner.

Thunder King Rai-Oh - Again, this card I am not sure why they touched it. It is a great splashable card for some control and banning Sangan made this card just a little more useless. Although most players only played 2 in the first place, they must be thinking about the future of Spellbooks.

Tsukuyomi - They should of made this card a 3 of because it is not like anyone is going to play it and there is nothing out that can take advantage of its eff.

Advanced Ritual Art - They made Demise and Herald a bit more playable. Since I have some biased towards this card, I will say only one word. Yay!

Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow - Since blackwings have completely fallen off the map, they needed to do something. Unfortunately, I do not think this was the right move. They have basically made the blackwing deck a beater deck that has to attack and with all of these attack stops like D Prison, Mirror Force, ect going around, this deck will gain popularity but no higher tier status.

Lumnia, Lightsworn Summoner - I thought that this was a never interesting choice. I am unsure why they thought it being at 3 would make the pure lightsworn deck more playable since honest and charge are still at one but with Judgment Dragon at 3, we will definitely start seeing some more play of pure lightsworn. I think Konami is trying to make all older archtype decks more balanced and playable. Unfortunately, it is going to still be very tough to keep up with Prophecy, Mermail, Verz.

Spore - Shouldn't have even been at 1 in the first place. Enough said.

Shien's Smoke Signal - WHY!?!? Lets make Samurai a little bit better than it already is. Samurai already have enough support, I mean they got a dedicated structure deck. Ban Gateway and make everything else 3. Deck will be balanced.

Mind Crush - This is by far one of the most important chances to format that I can think of. With Mermails and Prophecy constantly showing you what they have in their hand this card could not have come back to 3  at a better time. You will be seeing a lot of people teching these or at least having them in the side deck and I know that dark world players will be running 3 of these as well. This card is needed for the upcoming broken decks that have shown themselves.

Overall, if I were to rate this list on 1 to 10. I would give it a 7. Although it doesn't change a lot in the format, it did take care of Wind-ups (for the most part) and One day of Peace. I do think that a lot more needed to be touched and they had a lot of room to do so but didn't. In last September's List they had made 29 changes from the previous. In this list they only made 13. I am not sure why there is such a big difference especially since this is the list we will be working off of for national and world events.

Let me know what you guys think!